December 2021 Think Tank:

Becky Baumwoll

Non-Verbal Teaching Artistry:
Physical Story, Modern Mime, & Teaching Beyond Words

Session Synopsis

As the first primarily non-verbal ITAC Think Tank, participants were engaged using images, written reflections, group discussion focused on playful gesture/facial expression exploration, and nonverbal games.

To keep the momentum, in working group fashion, Becky will invite participants to join her in collectively developing and creating a suite of resources for nonverbal Teaching Artistry to explore how word-free engagement can be applied more widely in various art forms. The goal is for these resources to address the need for:

- Engaging nonverbal students, teaching inclusively to different language backgrounds;
- Creating ensemble culture in all art forms, even within verbal programs, and integrating accessible embodied learning.

Ultimately, this suite of resources will act as a practical guide and will include the theories, history, and narratives surrounding the many implications and impacts of nonverbal storytelling.

Additional Resources

Learn more about Becky Baumwoll and how Teaching Artists can embed non-verbal techniques into their curriculum:

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