Speaking & Lobbying at Events

Advocating for Teaching Artistry

As the international home of Teaching Artists, ITAC takes our role in representing our network and sector seriously. Throughout the year, we intentionally attend and speak at multiple high profile events, especially those where the arts have been historically absent. Most recently, this has included:

- World Health Organisation
- Skoll World Forum for social innovation
- The Inner Development Goals Summit
- The Wellbeing Summit

We recognise that, in order to shift the eco systems in which our network works, we need to speak to those outside of the arts sector about deploying Teaching Artists across all areas of society. We believe cross-sector collaboration is essential in creating the kinds of working lives and communities we hope to see.
Our vision is a world in which Teaching Artists are working in the heart of communities to create positive lasting change, and so we work extensively with partners both inside and outside of the arts to try and bring about conditions where this can be a reality.
We are building bridges to more regular and fruitful cross sector collaborations.

Curious about ITAC at your event? Reach out and invite us to join!