July 2019 Think Tank:

Carmen Oleachea

"The Emerging Field of Arts, Culture and Conflict transformation"

Session Synopsis

With the advancement of technological and institutional tools, the potential to develop new strategies seems possible for stopping the inertia of destruction and discovering sustainable ways to be on Earth.

This extraordinary, overwhelming but also exciting time is where we move along feelings: fear and hope; vulnerability and sense of power; shame towards other forms of life and pride for the exceptional abilities we have. The presence of conflicts is not only normal but unavoidable in times of transformation. So, from an optimistic perspective, we could say that the incredible amount of conflictive situations that we are living could also be taken as a source of hope and a sign of resilience and a map of what we need to address urgently.

This quest may contain many tools but, one of the most powerful is Art. Art is one of our more complex and complete sources of creation and communication. Art as a language, as a technical discipline, as a space of encounter with oneself and the other, as a manifestation of the zeitgeist, as a way to access the collective unconscious, as a way for the construction of new metaphors and narratives.

Additional Resources

Learn more about Carmen, Cynthia and Mary Ann Hunter work, and the ways in which arts and culture are becoming agents and tools for change in community and international development below:

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