February 2020 Think Tank:

Simon Sharkey & Jess Pilmore

"The Suspension of Disconnect: A new context and pedagogy for the arts in the 21st century."

Session Synopsis

What does it take to be present with yourself - with your ensemble or team? What does it take to build a compassionate and brave space with and as an audience? What does it take to engage in artful living?

In February of 2020, Simon Sharkey and Jessica Pilmore led a highly interactive session to share the results of their current collaborations related to the Suspension of Disconnect. The Suspension of Disconnect is centered around four themes: self and process, ensemble and team, artful living, and audience (with and as). The session invites participants and viewers to explore the themes through a series of prompts and questions.

While the live discussion has been removed from the recording, viewers can still participate via the prompts by pausing the video to take time to reflect.

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