April 2024

Musicians Without Borders: Courage and Music, Exactly Where They Are Most Needed

Laura Hassler (Netherlands), Eric Booth (USA)

Session Synopsis

Meet Musicians Without Borders: Courage and Music, Exactly Where They Are Most Needed  

Presented by Laura Hassler (Netherlands), Founder and Director of Musicians Without Borders  

With host: Eric Booth (USA)  

Maybe you have heard of the courageous work of Doctors Without Borders—this April Think Tank is your chance to learn about 25 years of musical courage in Musicians Without Borders (MWB). Founded and Directed by Laura Hassler, Musicians Without Borders now has long-term projects in the Balkans, the Middle East, Eastern Africa, Central America, and Europe, and has become a global leader in an increasingly recognized field.

Think Tank presenter Laura Hassler brought her background in civil rights and peace activism together with her diverse musical network to found MWB in 1999. In this Think Tank, she will share the story and work of MWB; offer lessons all teaching artists can take away to intensify their political activism through the arts; answer our questions; and provide reasons for hope.

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