The United States Hub is co-hosted by the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, an arts organization and civic center in New York City, and a home to Teaching Artists for over 40 years, and the Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC), the largest and oldest performing arts center located in Maui, Hawaii.

Lincoln Center brings unparalleled artists and a history of excellence in arts education. MACC offers a multitude of offerings related to K-12 programming and professional development, especially as it relates to indigenous philosophies and practices. Together, Lincoln Center and MACC are working to ensure artists and Teaching Artists are at the forefront of their work. Lincoln Center and MACC know we are living in challenging times and collectively believe that artists have the necessary tools to help us reimagine our world.

"For our US Hub, we want to increase Teaching Artists’ capacities to creatively engage communities, launch innovative experiments that address longstanding challenges, envision new community action plans, and inspire the social imagination and civic agency needed to make real change toward a more just and equitable society. We are honored to be part of the first cohort of ITAC Hubs and together build a global community driving for change"

Jean E. Taylor (Lincoln Center) and Miko Lee (Teaching Artists Guild)

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