After more than a year of development and planning, Teaching Artistry for Social Impact, ITAC’s first original online course, and supplementary set of Case Studies have launched! Our new Case Studies showcase the very best of what Teaching Artistry has to offer in the arts, climate, and social impact space – and prove the way in which it can create long term impact.

The 4 Case Studies

School of the (I’m)Possible led by Francine Kliemann.
Florianopolis, Brazil.

Dancing Trees led by Dijana Milošević and Jakandra Andjelic.
Belgrade, Serbia.

Unmasking Climate Injustices led by Razcel jan Salvarita.
Iloilo Province, Philippines.

Chill the Heat Festival led by Rachael Jacobs.
Sydney, Australia

Explore the Case Studies

A new supplementary set of Teaching Artist resources, designed to support ITAC's new online course and document the processes through which Teaching Artistry can create change. Explore them now - they're totally free! Join us in spreading the word about this significant new resource for our sector, support us by signing up and sharing your thoughts, and share the case studies to help make a splash beyond our own field.

“I already have a strong practice, but that continual professional development and being attached to a community of learning is vital to my continued growth. I think these things will stay with me because in ITAC I have a community which can hold me accountable if I just show up.”

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