ITAC provides tools, facilitates best practice exchanges, and provides resources that empower teaching artists worldwide to undertake their own capacity building, ultimately uplifting the global artistry field.

What does our Capacity Building focus on?
Cultivating excellence
ITAC nurtures excellence in teaching artistry for greater educational and community outcomes.
Cross-cultural learning
ITAC enriches the field with diverse global insights, expanding practitioners’ perspectives.
Enhancing impact on communities
ITAC refines methods for deeper community engagement by teaching artists.
Sharing best practices
ITAC promotes dynamic growth among practitioners by circulating innovative techniques and models.


Teaching Artistry for Social Impact: The Course - is ITAC's first free online course for teaching artists. Hosted on Kadenze, the course is designed for those interested in social impact and looking to enhance their approach to project design and delivery. The course content draws deeply from the wisdom within our network, international resources, and practice-based learning, bringing this valuable resource to the field.

Our monthly online Think Tank sessions provide a space for network members to host, gather, and discuss best practices related to specific topics and settings in their regions. These sessions foster authentic exchange, cross-cultural learning, and peer-to-peer support. Members propose the topics, and the recordings are archived in our resource bank.

ITAC’s Impact and Assessment Guide is a free resource designed to help teaching artists articulate impact goals, plan outcomes, and measure social impact within their community, social, civic, or creative engagement project. Within the document you’ll find tools such as the Strategy Model, the Impact Evaluation Plan, and a comprehensive Document Checklist, along with prompts to assess key learnings and summarize your project ready to present to partners and funders.