Each month, ITAC hosts a free online Think Tank, proposed and led by different members from within our network. Sessions are designed to provide space for our community to share best practices, learn about work happening in each others’ contexts and explore topics which feel particularly urgent and relevant. 

Think Tanks are one of our most popular programmes and are attended widely by colleagues from all over the world every month.

Become a member to access our portal, see our upcoming events and register to attend.

Discover some of our previous Think Tanks

Sangeeta Isvaran (India)

Arts In Mainstream Systems For Social Transformation

Sangeeta Isvaran, with over 20 years of experience working in marginalized communities worldwide, has witnessed the transformative power of the arts in creating more just and caring societies. Despite the innovative strategies the arts offer for tackling complex global issues, she believes the skills of artists are underappreciated. Isvaran advocates for teaching artists to be integrated into various organizational systems, demonstrating how art forms carry techniques that can serve society in multiple ways.

Jean E. Taylor and Zoey Peacock Jones

Intergenerational Co-Mentoring - Part 1

Zoey Peacock Jones and Jean E. Taylor, a 20-year-old and 60-year-old duo, are exploring the potential of intergenerational co-mentoring through art-making, philosophy, and teaching artistry. They believe that this unique partnership can lead to the exchange of generational perspectives, fostering personal growth and innovative solutions to significant challenges. Intergenerational Co-Mentoring breaks down hierarchies and elevates shared wisdom through respect, curiosity, and humility. During their Think Tank, they gathered diverse viewpoints on mentoring and shared their findings.

Green String Network

Trauma Informed Practice In Africa

In July 2021, Bonface Beti and Dr. Angi Yoder-Maina of the Green String Network (GSN) explored healing-centered peacebuilding. GSN investigates the impact of chronic violence on communities and develops a holistic approach to break cycles of violence. Recognizing the global need for accessible mental health support, they are creating an arts and cultural component for community mental health prevention that goes beyond awareness, aiming to create behavioral change. Through storytelling and embodied practices, GSN helps people articulate their experiences, understand how they shape behavior, and unlock new ways of thinking, feeling, and living peacefully.

Inés Sanguinetti & Paul Heritage

Arts And Social Transformation In Latin America: Building Mental Health, Resilience And Recovery Through Art

In August 2020, Inés Sanguinetti, Paul Heritage, and five arts organizations discussed their collaborative efforts to interconnect arts, mental health, and youth in Latin America. Their work focuses on using various art forms to build strength and resilience in fragile environments. They aim to understand the relationships between violence and mental health from a multidisciplinary perspective, exploring how the arts can be a community resource and identifying existing resources that help communities resist and survive.

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