Artistically enhance your events

Hire ITAC to Artist Direct, or creatively enhance, your large-scale events

ITAC has been successfully delivering international conferences for its own community since 2012. Building on this experience, ITAC now consults with large scale international summits and events to embed Teaching Artistry, and deepen engagement and participation, throughout their programming. All too often art is featured as a decoration during conferences, it is an interlude, rather than curated to creatively invigorate and advance the conference goals.

Through our extensive experience with artistic engagement and creative facilitation, ITAC now offers our services to help events go beyond this traditional way of viewing the role of the arts, and towards forward thinking, meaningful participant engagement.

Example Event Case Study:
The Inner Development Goals Summit

In 2024 ITAC was brought in to Artistic Direct the Inner Development Goals Summit. We collaborated with the summit team in the design and delivery of this event to develop programming, select artists and curate conference experiences which were embedded throughout the 3 days, and which used the power of Teaching Artistry to more deeply explore the concepts and topics of the IDGs.
We worked with Teaching Artists from within our diverse global network to deliver workshops on key IDG topics, we co-curated tracks which were co-hosted by Artists alongside content leads (to embed hands-on participation as a norm), and designed collective spaces for networking and community building among delegates.

Work with ITAC to enhance your event!

This approach to holistic engagement, rather than static presentations and panels, sparks deeper understanding of key topics, enhances relationship building among attendees and ignites their agency as active participants in the event.

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